Track industry-standard KPIs for complete visibility into machine performance and benchmarking plant processes

See how PRODUCTION can help you make data-driven decisions to boost machine productivity here.

Optimize Machine Performance by tracking key, industry-standard metrics such as OEE, Quality and Uptime. Review and understand the big picture at the plant and line level, details at the machine level, and create alerts and production reports. 

This ei3 app allows management staff to understand performance at the plant, line, and machine level. It helps get relevant production data like OEE, Availability, Performance, Quality and more at the click of a button. 

This data, in the form of customizable, easy-to-understand reports, helps:

  • Achieve full visibility into accurate machine conditions
  • Set realistic production targets and deliver upon them
  • Improve plant performance with practical insights
  • Receive alerts if production targets are not met 
  • Use ei3’s scrap tracking to receive alerts when a scrap incident occurs and review operator notes to understand the ‘why’ and prevent future scrap
  • Ask operators the right questions to understand machine downtime causes
  • Encourage a data-centric, performance-driven management culture
  • Maximize production output by benchmarking plant and production processes   

This ei3 app allows management staff to understand performance at the plant, line, and machine level. It helps get relevant production data like OEE, Availability, Performance, Quality and more at the click of a button. 

This data, in the form of customizable, easy-to-understand reports, helps:

  • Achieve full visibility into accurate machine conditions
  • Set realistic production targets and deliver upon them
  • Improve plant performance with practical insights
  • Receive alerts if production targets are not met 
  • Use ei3’s scrap tracking to receive alerts when a scrap incident occurs and review operator notes to understand the ‘why’ and prevent future scrap
  • Ask operators the right questions to understand machine downtime causes
  • Maximize production output by benchmarking plant and production processes   
  • Encourage a data-centric, performance-driven management culture

What kind of data do our reports show?
Is it easy to understand?

Our app creates productivity charts that detail key performance metrics for industrial assets in your manufacturing plants. These metrics include OEE, machine Availability, Performance, Quality, Scrap, Duration, Stops and more, plus any additional KPI you need to monitor.

You can view this data on engaging, customizable dashboards and expand into technical machine aspects when and where needed, letting staff understand trends without adding complexity. The data is presented by shift, day, machine, facility or enterprise-level filters as required for quick decision-making.

Your factory without PRODUCTION

Our app creates the key data to enable management and factory floor personnel to work together to improve operations. Without the app key issues often go unnoticed or arise, such as: 

Product Inconsistency

Product Inconsistency

In the absence of timely production reviews, warning signs do not arrive when needed. This can result in costly errors and inconsistent products, where troubleshooting becomes reactive.   

Unplanned Downtime

Increased Downtime

Without understanding the status of their machines and working closely with operators and maintenance personnel, added downtime is inevitable.

Unmeasured Scrap Production


Tracking scrap material efficiently is key to gaining valuable insights from scrap data and reducing unnecessary waste. Failure to measure scrap also leads to inaccuracies in calculating Quality and, consequently, OEE values.

Lack of Accountability

Lack of Accountability

Accountability suffers if managers cannot determine the causes of performance drops or ask the right questions to their technical teams.

Faulty Decision-Making

Faulty Decision-Making

Managerial decisions taken without factual awareness affect operations on the factory floor without any positive results. 

Scalability Issues

Scalability Issues

Plant operators and managers find it hard to scale up and produce at a higher level if they don’t examine actionable, data-driven reports.

The ei3 Advantage


Users can choose from a host of standardized report templates while also having the option to create custom reports 


Can schedule email delivery of configured reports to users and groups in a variety of formats, including pdf, excel and text

Instant and Consistent

Enables real-time reporting of production information


Comes with a suite of user configuration tools


Integrates work orders, production orders, quality, downtime and process parameter results

The ei3 Advantage


Users can choose from a host of standardized report templates while also having the option to create custom reports 


Can schedule email delivery of configured reports to users and groups in a variety of formats, including pdf, excel and text

Instant and Consistent

Enables real-time reporting of production information


Comes with a suite of user configuration tools


Integrates work orders, production orders, quality, downtime and process parameter results

Incorporating PRODUCTION on the Shop floor



Our app can begin collecting data securely from your existing machine infrastructure with ei3’s easily integrated edge devices. Users can set parameters and KPIs that need particular attention to begin benchmarking.



A single click can generate reports that outline crucial production information in an easy-to-understand format. The app can follow an automated schedule to generate these reports, dispatching them to relevant personnel in various formats.     



These reports allow you to track production performance against previously set targets. You can view machine performance per shift, day, machine or even an entire facility. All of these can help with troubleshooting and continuously improving plant performance.     



Our app can begin collecting data securely from your existing machine infrastructure with ei3’s easily integrated edge devices. Users can set parameters and KPIs that need particular attention to begin benchmarking.



A single click can generate reports that outline crucial production information in an easy-to-understand format. The app can follow an automated schedule to generate these reports, dispatching them to relevant personnel in various formats.     



These reports allow you to track production performance against previously set targets. You can view machine performance per shift, day, machine or even an entire facility. All of these can help with troubleshooting and continuously improving plant performance.     

PRODUCTION has changed how the management makes decisions to improve operations on the factory floor. To see data-driven process improvement in action, you can explore more here.