Should every machine owner have secure remote service?

The ability to detect machine issues remotely is challenged by precautionary security concerns. Owning an industrial machine, regardless of its size and scope, often requires the expertise of the machine’s original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM) service team. Because the OEM built the machine, its service technicians are specially trained to provide unique, machine specific service offerings […]
Monitor and analyze energy use to reach your plant’s sustainability goals

Starting in December 2022, Coperion, a plastics equipment manufacturer, partnered with ei3 to release SUSTAIN, a resource and energy monitoring application to improve plant sustainability. The SUSTAIN app minimizes environmental impact for end users by monitoring and analyzing production to report on energy, water, and waste data from all enterprise assets, buildings, and machines. ei3’s […]
Auto suppliers use cloud to boost efficiency, cut scrap rate

Detroit — Automotive suppliers are implementing cloud-based data software to increase efficiencies and decrease waste amid heightened lead times and a less predictable supply chain. Livonia, Mich.-based automotive supplier NYX LLC is using M-Powered, a cloudbased AI software developed by ei3 and paired with Milacron machines, to help the company improve its manufacturing efficiency. The […]
Is industrial Artificial Intelligence destined for an “AI Winter”?

This article was originally published in IIoT World. Few areas in computer science have, over the years, repeatedly created as much interest, promise, and disappointment, as the field of artificial intelligence. The manufacturing industry, now the latest target application area of “AI”, puts much hype on AI for predictive maintenance. Will AI deliver this time, […]
How AI can make operations smarter, more sustainable

LAS VEGAS — Marrying human intelligence with computer intelligence can help companies work more efficiently and sustainably, Spencer Cramer, founder and chief executive officer of ei3, said at Pack Expo Las Vegas, held Sept. 27 to 29. The talk, “Using AI for Smart and Sustainable Operations,” was part of several forward-looking presentations at the Pack to […]
Brown Machine Group launches BMG Advanced Digital Readiness™ Platform, the Thermoforming Market’s first secure customer data portal

Web- and app-based platform by BMG, powered by ei3, supplies customized process data to improve efficiency, reduce downtime, and ensure peace-of-mind Beaverton, Michigan – Brown Machine Group (BMG) is pleased to announce the launch of the BMG Advanced Digital Readiness™ (BMG ADR™) platform, a web- and app-based portal to access important process data in thermoforming […]
Why Is Industry 4.0 Taking So Long?

As is the case with most historical progress, it’s hard to pinpoint when Industry 4.0 first started. We generally define the start of the third industrial revolution as roughly 1969, when programmable logic control systems emerged as a usable resource in production. Arguably, we are in the midst of the beginning of the fourth industrial […]
New technology opens a predictive window onto screw wear

New technology from various machinery OEMs gives injection molders insight into their machines’ screws without forcing them to remove them for time consuming visual inspections, or being forced shut down machine if they should fail. As part of its M-Powered suite of IoT tools, plastics processing machinery supplier Milacron is entering the field of predictive analytics, using […]
Managing OEE helps producers through difficult times

On the whole, manufacturers understand the importance of measuring overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). It exposes losses within their operations to better drive the decisions for improvement. It’s about finding bottlenecks, improving efficiency, and reducing downtime—and squeezing as much productivity as possible out of existing manufacturing assets. The trend toward tighter capital has been in place […]
OMAC selects ei3 to lead the Workgroup focused on developing guidelines for remote interfacing with automation systems

OMAC, The Organization for Machine Automation and Control, has formed a workgroup to be comprised of end users and service providers to create a comprehensive best-practices handbook for remote monitoring services. The goal is to expand upon the work performed by PMMI’s OpX Leadership Network Report which already defines methods of external remote access. The new workgroup […]