ei3 launches PERSEUS – A ConnectedAI-solution for pneumatic air optimization

New York, Sep. 12, 2022 – ei3 today announced the launch of PERSEUS, a powerful optimization solution for compressed air, at the 2022 International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) in Chicago. PERSEUS consists of an advanced edge device and an accompanying Industrial IoT application. The edge device puts ei3’s ConnectedAITM to work to help industrial manufacturers save compressed […]
Making plastics machinery more efficient with M-Powered

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_fUttx3Y9o&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fei3.com%2F&embeds_referring_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fei3.com&source_ve_path=OTY3MTQ&feature=emb_imp_woyt Milacron’s partnership with ei3 is a true success story in innovative IIoT solutions for injection molding machinery. Here’s how M-Powered was developed to provide significant maintenance and repair cost reductions, uptime increases, and massive energy savings. At a presentation delivered by Milacron at ei3’s ConnectedAI Summit, the history, purpose and workings of M-Powered were […]
Solutions to ease IT/OT convergence in manufacturing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ke7mvw9OtY In industrial manufacturing, the overall IT/Automation landscape is typically split and managed by separate teams: the IT teams are responsible for maintaining the overall network security and data infrastructures, primarily supporting backend functions. The OT teams, on the other hand, are in charge of automation systems that support production, ensuring that machines and manufacturing […]
BOBST helpline services, driven by ei3

Leading machine builder uses remote service to improve service delivery while reducing travel by 80%.
ei3 sponsors community service category in Land Rover’s second annual ‘Defender Service Awards’

New York, Jul. 26, 2022 – ei3 is proud to sponsor the community service category of Land Rover’s ‘Defender Service Awards,’ presented by Chase, to celebrate and support U.S. and Canadian not-for-profit or charitable organizations that make a positive impact in their local communities. The winning Community Service charity will receive $25,000 from ei3, topped up […]
OMAC launches data governance initiative to create guidelines for segmenting industrial data

As cloud-based analytics and digital transformation evolve, creating the foundation of the “data-driven” world, manufacturing organizations are scrambling to implement suitable data governance policies. OMAC’s latest initiative, led by ei3‘s Mark Fondl, establishes a framework and guidelines to protect precious proprietary information while enabling secure data sharing.The result of the initiative was The Practical Considerations for Data Governance guide, which […]
Driving efficiency and sustainability: A journey with ConnectedAI at ORBIS

About ORBIS ORBIS, a sister company of Menasha Corporation, has been a provider of innovative reusable plastic and steel packaging solutions since 1966. ORBIS caters to diverse markets, primarily focusing on retail supply, industrial, and automotive industries, delivering an extensive range of products from pallets and containers to totes and trays. Headquartered in Oconomowoc WI […]
Is industrial Artificial Intelligence destined for an “AI Winter”?

This article was originally published in IIoT World. Few areas in computer science have, over the years, repeatedly created as much interest, promise, and disappointment, as the field of artificial intelligence. The manufacturing industry, now the latest target application area of “AI”, puts much hype on AI for predictive maintenance. Will AI deliver this time, […]
OMAC – Security Considerations for Remote Access Workgroup

Recent ransomware attacks have put the spotlight on potential security vulnerabilities of some industrial Remote Access solutions. Around the world, users are scrambling to understand and mitigate these vulnerabilities. With this in mind, the Organization for Machine Automation and Control (OMAC) convened its second “Remote Access Workgroup,” to present practical, field-tested methods for reducing cybersecurity-related risk, […]
ei3 completes acquisition of Zurich-based AI firm Cognitive Solutions and Innovation AG

New York, January 20, 2022 – ei3, a leading Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solution provider, announces the completion of the acquisition of Cognitive Solutions and Innovation AG (COGSI AG) of Zurich, Switzerland, a pioneer in delivering advanced artificial intelligence solutions for industrial manufacturing. The acquisition was completed through a cash and stock transaction. Following […]